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Getting Started with FullSession
Installing FullSession on your web app
Installing FullSession on your web app

Install your Data Capture Snippet

Dana from FullSession avatar
Written by Dana from FullSession
Updated over a week ago

A couple of notes about the data capture snippet:

It's asynchronous, tiny, and designed to go unnoticed by your consumers. In this post, you may learn more about FullSession's insignificant performance impact.

There's no need to instrument any of the elements in your app or website. The FullSession script captures all web-based interactions and mutations once it has loaded. Don't worry about capturing that specific "submit" button; if it's on the page, FullSession notices it, captures it, and makes it searchable.

Click Settings > Data Capture and Privacy > FullSession Setup to find the snippet.

Simply paste the snippet into the <HEAD> element either via your Content Management System (CMS) or directly into your application’s code. Captured sessions will appear in FullSession within a few minutes, as long as users are visiting your site and navigating. (If you want to use GTM to install, read more here: Google Tag Manager for installation)

While you’re installing, you’ll likely want to think about excluding some elements. FullSession allows you to block sensitive data from being captured through a construct called “Excluded Elements.” It allows you to identify the CSS selectors of data you want to keep private.

The privacy of your customer data is a shared responsibility. FullSession diligently ensures that your customer data is securely stored and accessible only to you. In addition, we provide you a tool to easily exclude sensitive customer information.

In Settings > Data Capture and Privacy > Privacy you can manage data capture rules for different elements (identified by CSS selectors) to block any data from those elements from ever being captured. Excluded data never leaves your customers browser or app. Which is exactly what you want. You can also use Inspect Mode to quickly add excluded elements.


Invite your team

FullSession is better with friends. While you wait for sessions to roll in, go ahead and invite your teammates.

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